January 5, 2025
Epiphany of the Lord
FOCUS: God has revealed a great light in the darkness.
As we celebrate Epiphany, our readings today remind us of the power of God’s revelation. Throughout history, God has promised salvation. Today we celebrate some of the first witnesses of this great event, the Magi. May we deepen our faith as we, too, journey to be closer to Christ.
What's in Your Heart
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany with examples of various ways God’s presence is revealed.
How do I best see God manifested in my own life and work?
The Magi were led by a star to the birthplace of Jesus. Am I attentive to the signs in my life that are leading me toward God and holiness? Do I recognize that both my joys and my dissatisfactions may be prompts from God leading me to more abundant life?
Do I respect other sources of spiritual wisdom while continuing to embrace the truth of my own faith?
Isaiah proclaims, “Nations shall walk by your light.” What examples can I imagine of how the larger community benefits from the light and goodness generated by the faith community that will gather this Sunday?
Homily Stories
In this season of signs and wonder, today marks one of the most legendary—the arrival of the Magi who followed a star from the East to pay homage to the “newborn king of the Jews.” These crafty wise guys, as my dad used to call them, made their way to Bethlehem, found the baby Jesus in the arms of his mother, offered the remarkable gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and then outsmarted vicious King Herod and went home by another route.
How exactly did the Magi manage all that? They followed stars, harkened prophets, interpreted dreams. What, no polls, calculations, and documented proofs? Certainly these ancient tools of knowledge were available to them. Facts and figures have their place, but the story of the Three Kings reminds us that wisdom relies on impressions and intuition. It is nurtured by the virtues, and benefits from a humble heart and an expansive worldview.
The Magi scanned the night sky and watched for the brightest stars, but their work did not end there. When they saw a new light in the sky, they risked journeying beyond their ken to pay their respects to one they predicted would be greater than all others. Science enabled them to see the star in the East, but only wisdom urged them to follow it.
Where is wisdom urging you to journey this coming year?